Saturday, June 21, 2014

Best skin care so far.. Garnier!!

before this i've tried the nivea.. but it doesn't really work on me. so i decided to try something new..

lastly i found garnier new product which is from sakura extract.. its GARNIER SAKURA WHITE and its so pink! i try buying the whole set which is the cleanser form, moisturizer cream and their pink mask. but they dont have the lotion here.. too bad because i heard a good review on that lotion. Here's my review on this product:

cleanser- its not really have bubble if you wash your face with it but i feel so clean after using it.

moisturizer- it have a lot to proud of.. my skin used to have a ''scar'' from allergic and its so sensitive but after using this product it decreasing and started to fade away. my face is a bit whiten now. now if i wanna go out i just have to put on the moisturizer and baby talc.. thats all~

mask- im so in love with the mask because if i have a very dry skin even sunburn i use this mask.. before putting heavy make up i use this mask, it will prevent my skin from having a pimple after having a long day with heavy makeup.. it feel soo cooling. i only use it like once a week or once every 2 week.

the price for this product:
cleanser - $6.00 (100ml)
moisturizer - $12.00 (50ml)
mask - $5.00 (1 sheet)

so its so affordable~

picture above is taken now.. like right now. its no filter..and below is before using garnier and the "scar" is under my lips, its look like uneven skin tone and its really showing even after i put on bb cream.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Happy weekend people~ today as always i have nothing much to do beside shopping. haha~ I was craving for red velvet. i have done it before, but the taste is not what i'm expecting. so i Google for a new recipe..

yes, i found the delicious red velvet recipe.. i got it from AKUBUKANMASTERCHEF .. 

red velvet cupcake:
125g tepung kek 
1/4 sudu kecil baking powder
1/4 sudu kecil garam
10g serbuk koko
60g butter (suhu bilik)
150g gula pasir (yg halus)
1 biji telur
1/2 sudu kecil vanilla extract
120ml buttermilk 
1sudu besar pewarna merah (liquid)
1/2 sudu kecil cuka jernih (white distilled vinegar)
1/2 sudu kecil baking soda

120ml susu segar
1 sudu kecil cuka jernih/jus lemon
how to make buttermilk:
1.Campurkan bahan2 tadi dan biarkan 5 minit. Kemudian, campurkan dengan pewarna merah. Ketepikan.

cream cheese frosting:
110g cream cheese
30g gula icing
80ml double cream/whipping cream
1/2 sudu kecil vanilla extract


Panaskan oven 170c

1. Ayakkan tepung, garam, baking powder dan serbuk koko. Ketepikan.
2. Didalam mangkuk besar, masukkan butter dan putar sehingga lembut (1-2 minit). Kemudian, masukkan gula dan putar sehingga kembang (2-3 minit). 
3. Masukkan telur dan putar sebati. Kemudian masukkan vanilla extract. Pukul sebati.
4. Masukkan buttermilk+red color tadi berselang seli dengan bahan2 yang diayak. Pukul sehingga sebati. Jangan overbeat! Guna putaran yg minimum.
5. Didalam bekas kecil berisi cuka tadi, masukkan baking soda. Ianya akan berbuih serta merta dan hendaklah dimasukkan kedalam adunan cupcake dengan segera. Gaul guna spatula sehingga sebati.
6. Masukkan kedalam bekas cupcake. Bakar sehingga 25 minit atau sehingga masak.
7. Setelah selesai, biarkan sejuk sepenuhnya sebelum letak frosting diatas.

1. Pukul cream cheese sehingga lembut. Kemudian masukkan vanilla dan gula icing. Pukul sehingga sebati. Kemudian, masukkan whipping cream/double cream. Putarkan dengan kelajuan maximum sehingga frosting pekat dan likat. 
2. Bolehlah paipkan diatas cupcake ikut kreativiti masing2.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Welcome home daddy!!!

Today, daddy safely landed Brunei from Makasar..  Alhamdulilah~ :)  they should be back yesterday but they missed the flight due to some reason.. But yeah~ 

Anyway~ Daddy got me a set of Jongsarat clutch bag!! Yay!! Thats all i wanna say.. Till next time :)


Thursday, October 10, 2013

4 Days Left!!!

Semester break gonna end soon, and i haven't finished my assignment. Oh my~ Since it says "semester break" so ill having a "brain break".. hahaha

Only 4 days left for the assignment due.. what should i do?? T.T

hmmm~ lemme start now!

nah~ just joking  :p
im stuck watching Drop Dead Diva seaseon 3..

Till next time,

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Goooood morning people~

Today ia a "spring cleaning day".. Im super duper energitic :p today we clean all the kitchen electronic.. Haha after had a good sweat im having breakfast which is my most favourite food French Bread vegetarian sandwich.. For a moment ill be eating vegetarian food or maybe a lil bit lean meat.. T.T i know its hard but thats the price of beauty!

And yeah later wanna go swimming.. Teehee~

*french bread vegetarian sandwich*


i know...i know.. its been a while~ MALAS melanda diriku.. hoho~ and now im a bit rajin, but lack of idea what to write.. hmm~ anyway im on my semester break now.. "4 days semester break" ok lah daripada nada.. Syukur~ haha ok i just wanna let you all know that my assignment alum bebuat but the due is this 14th.. yes i know im one of the "pelajar contoh" *buat muka sombong* hahahahaha nahh~ and yeah i have masalah besar now.. i have gain some weight.. some?? i mean a lot! pfff -.-" i think i should start gym soon..

sooo.. whats going on with my life since last December? hmmm.. lemme think...just let the picture do the talk. :p

Chillin with the lady (excuse my wide-expose forehead) 
March- im doing my attachment for 3 months at Brunei Agricultual Research Centre 
At Brunei Agricultual Research Centre 

That is BACTERIA on my hands, before and after washing. So WASH your hands before eat people!

Brunswick station at Jerudong Park Food Court-Best waffle and pizza

Brunswick station at Jerudong Park Food Court-Best waffle and pizza

April- Cousin wedding :)

June- On a plane (Brunei-Kuala Lumpur)

Just landed.. i need Internet! haha
Hotel we stay

Bro got us a Large room :p

The Boys are posing! hahaha

Breakfast that i miss a lot :p

Turkey Ice Cream ( i don't know how to rotate this picture. its kinda annoying)

I hate this part. PACKING~


June- Uncle's Wedding

Hari Raya!

September- Food Science Department Raya Celebration~

September- Wasan Vocasional School Raya Celebration~

September- Shikin got engaged!

Makan 40 hari late grandma

At Soto Nini Babu- Sungai Basar

At Soto Nini Babu- Sungai Basar

At Soto Nini Babu- Sungai Basar

October- Research....


Sunday, December 16, 2012

my so-called-new product~ :p

I've been using these Nivea product since November this year. this time i want to be patient  to see the reaction of this face product. usually it only take me about 3 months on using product before i move on other product. so Nivea, please show your effective to me *hopping* :) oh yes im using Nivea deodorant too..

im so in love with Etude House product.. of course because their shop is Pink! haha this product was on sale. so i give it a try since the smell is extremely good.. oh yeah its a solid perfume :)

butttt...there is one thing i don't like about it, it is not long-lasting.. too bad for this awesome smell.. :'(

Rating: 3/5


for my skin, which is very sensitive i rarely change lotion. i usually using Victoria Secret Pure Seduction lotion. but the price is a bit high for a collage student like me :p and i was like, its time for me to try a new skin lotion. i bought 2 product of Rosken Skin Repair. one is for the sensitive skin for my sensitive hands and one is for dry skin for my leg which is less sensitive.

i been satisfied with this lotion, it make my skin always 'moist' i guess.. haha 

Rating: 5/5